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Fayette County

Fayette County - Health Statistics and Analysis

COUNTY Uninsured Adults
Fayette County 13%
Clayton County 23%
Coweta County 15%
Fulton County 15%
Spalding County 21%

Around 13% of the adult residents of Fayette County do not have proper health insurance coverage — 6 percentage points lower than Georgia’s average of 19%. Among Fayette County’s neighboring counties, Clayton County has the highest rate of uninsured adults while Fulton County and Coweta County have the second to the lowest rates, next to Fayette County.

Colquitt County holds the highest uninsured adult rate within the state of Georgia at around 30%, while Oconee County holds the lowest uninsured adult rate at around 11%.

Around 14% of Fayette County’s adult population has health issues. One of the reasons could be linked to how 23% of its population is physically inactive. In addition, a reported rate of 31% of Fayette County adult residents suffers from obesity, which is close to Georgia’s state average of 33%. Among Fayette County’s neighbors, Fulton County is reported to have the lowest obesity rate at 29%, while Clayton County’s 40% obesity rate is the highest.

In 2022, 25,604 Fayette County residents enrolled in Medicare, obtaining the following:

Original Medicare 56%
Medicare Advantage 44%
Original Medicare Part A and Part B 48%
Medicare Advantage and Other Health Plan Part A and Part B Beneficiaries 44%
Medicare Part D (Medigap) 57%
Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan 92%

At least 11 affordable health insurance companies offer affordable and frequently subsidized ACA health insurance on and off the federally-operated Georgia health insurance marketplace. In 2022, over 7,000 Fayette County residents had enrolled in private individual-market ACA plans.

Fayette County - Driving Statistics and Analysis

Fayette County, with around 93,995 registered private and commercial cars, holds more than 1% of the total vehicles within the state of Georgia.
More than 77% of Fayette County’s drivers aged 18 to 64 years old travel to work alone. Nearly half of those commutes last for more than half an hour.

Motor Vehicle Crashes in Fayette County

Based on the statistics, 10 per 100,000 motor vehicles in Fayette County meet a fatal accident. This means there are around 9 fatal vehicle crashes annually.
As per the Georgia Department of Transportation, 3,670 accidents led to 1,474 injuries and 20 fatalities in 2021. A total of 30 motorcycle crashes were recorded that same year that led to 23 injuries and 0 fatalities.

Fayette County - Housing Statistics and Analysis

Fayette County 81% 19%
Clayton County 50% 50%
Coweta County 75% 25%
Fulton County 53% 47%
Spalding County 64% 36%

The state of Georgia’s housing market is 64% homeowner-occupied. However, for Fayette County’s 44,907-housing unit market (est. in 2022), 81% are homeowners while 19% are renters. The trend of having more homeowners than renters is also clearly seen in its neighbors: Coweta County and Spalding County.
Within the state of Georgia, Harris County leads with the highest number of homeowners at 89% while Chattahoochee County leads with the highest proportion of renters at 76%.
In Fayette County’s housing market, more than 11% are experiencing housing problems such as crowding, poor plumbing, or faulty kitchens. 1 out of 10 homes, residents spend more than half of their income to fix housing concerns.

Fayette County - End of Life Statistics and Analysis

COUNTY Average Life Expectancy
Fayette County 80.7
Clayton County 76
Coweta County 78.4
Fulton County 79
Spalding County 74.1

Fayette County’s residents have an average life expectancy of nearly 81 years old, which is higher than the Georgia state average of 77 years old. Among its neighbors, Fayette County has the longest life expectancy while Spalding County has the shortest.
The longest life expectancy within the state of Georgia is in Forsyth County at 82.3 years old, while the shortest is reported in Miller County at 69.5 years old.
In 2022, there were about 23 thousand Fayette County residents aged 65 years old and older.

Life Insurance Facts

  1. In 2022, 47% of Americans did not have an active life insurance policy of any type.
  2. Age is one of the pricing factors of life insurance premiums. This means that the younger you are when obtaining life insurance, you get to save more in premiums over the course of your policy.
  3. Over 14% of adults in Fayette County smoke, and this practice likely increases the cost of life insurance by up to 4x for more than 12,000 adults compared to non-smokers. This is because smokers are considered to have a higher risk and lower life expectancy than those who do not smoke.
  4. Aside from the death benefit, residents may also use the Cash Value life insurance for its Living Benefits they can use while still alive, either to borrow against it or use it as a type of tax-free retirement income.

Fayette County - Funeral Expenses Statistics and Analysis

Funeral expenses vary in and around Fayette County, and its average cost is around $7,000 which is higher than the Georgia average ($5,900). Among its neighbors, Clayton County holds the lowest average funeral cost of $5,600. On the other hand, Fayette County holds the most expensive average at $7,000, followed by Spalding County with its average cost of $6,900.
Within the state of Georgia, Jones County has the highest average funeral cost of $11,700 while Jefferson County usually offers the most affordable rate, closer to $4,000.

Fayette County - Business

Varied types of commercial insurance is utilized among more than 3,000 business establishments in Fayette County. Sectors with the most number of jobs include:

  • Transportation & Warehousing
  • Health Care & Social Assistance
  • Educational Services

Fayette County - Insurance Help

By speaking with an insurance agent licensed to help Fayette County’s residents and businesses, expect the agent to do the following for you:

  • analyze your needs and restrictions,
  • review your current policy to make sure that the coverages are reflective of the current needs and the local insurance market. If updates are needed, the agent help to enact them,
  • research the locally available plans that fit your needs and is usually able to find a better deal than what a consumer can find on their own,
  • check for available savings and bundling discounts,
  • provide you with the available options of coverage,
  • explain how the differences between the options affect you once you start using each insurance product,
  • assist you with the application process and getting quotes,
  • answer all of your questions about coverages and costs - as it pertains to your specific situations
  • conduct an annual review of your policies, to make sure that the existing coverages meet your current insurance needs.